Sound healing rituals for women in pursuit of magic

Integrative shamanic healing rituals with vibroacoustic bodywork and sacred chant.

Psychoacoustic Therapy for Vibrational Healing

Release Resistance | Find Resonance 

Our brains communicate using frequencies as their fundamental language. In a heightened and alert state, often accompanied by a sense of being wired, our brains operate at a high frequency known as 'beta'. Conversely, during periods of deep relaxation or when we enter a dream-like state, our brains function at lower frequencies, referred to as 'alpha' or ‘theta’ states. These meditative states tap into the power of the unconscious, or soul. 

Our holistic therapy technique utilises healing vibrations and frequencies. Given the brain's inclination to synchronise its frequencies with the sound frequencies it perceives, we focus on exposing the brain to healing sounds that enhance the production of neurochemicals associated with relaxation, inspiration, and healing.

In the form of a ritual, psychoacoustic therapy achieves what ancient spiritual and shamanic traditions have always known and modern science is beginning to recognise:

  • Experience profound healing of body, mind, and spirit.

  • Clear negativity and soothe stress.

  • Regulate your nervous system.

  • Experience sound-induced altered states of consciousness.

  • Explore your personal history, release trauma, and reframe your story.

  • Raise your vibration.

  • Change your point of attraction by changing your frequency.

  • Feel a sense of clarity and direction.

  • Feel held during a dark night of the soul.

  • Feel the vibrations of sacred sounds shift blocked energy in your body.

  • Unveil your true essence and purpose.

  • Connect to divine guidance and intuition.

  • Awaken a sense of magic, wonder, and enchantment.

  • Transform your inner world to transform your outer world.

A sonic ritual.